As we move further into the year, each season offers an opportunity to refresh one’s mind and reflect on personal stories. Journalling prompts are a wonderful way to determine where to focus your energies and discover new directions.

To inspire some springtime reflection, we’ve collated 10 new journalling prompts to help you embrace the possibilities of a new season.

  1. What are some recent challenges you have overcome?
  2. If you could go anywhere in the next month, where would it be?
  3. Will your morning routine change this season?
  4. What are some healthy habits you want to start?
  5.  List some activities that can get you outside in the fresh air.
  6. What has been making you happy lately? How could you incorporate more of this into your life?
  7. Describe a self-care practice you want to adopt this season.
  8. Describe your ideal spring day in detail. What does it look like, feel like, sound like?
  9. List three ways life is different this year compared to last year.
  10. Describe a skill or hobby you’d like to begin or improve this season.


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