As we move into a new season, it is a good opportunity to reflect on the special memories we create over the summer. Whether cottaging at the lake, playing tourist in your hometown or exploring an exotic destination from your bucket list, the warmer weather offers many opportunities to step outside your comfort zone.

To help celebrate the special summer memories, here are 10 new journalling and creative prompts that capture the spirit of the season:
- This summer I want…
- My favourite memory from last summer is…
- To me, summer officially begins when…
- Something I plan to accomplish this summer is…
- My favourite childhood summer activity was…
- My dream vacation would be…
- Something I am most looking forward to in July is…
- Something I am most looking forward to in August is…
- For me, summer represents…
- Five songs my summer soundtrack includes are…
Looking for more inspiration? See our other prompt lists here.