Name: Agnès Abécassis
Age: It’s seven fifty-five, and the weather is cloudy (always glad to show my high level of understanding the English language. And I will let you imagine my accent!)
City/Town: Paris (don’t you see my beret?)
Country: France (parlez-vous français?)
Places: Well… I have always lived in Paris and, to my opinion, I haven’t travelled enough. I’ve been to New York, Rome, London, Nassau, Miami, Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, Tel Aviv, Casablanca, Venice, Athens…
Loves: Life
Occupation: I’m a French writer, illustrator, screenwriter, journalist and I make the best lasagna you will ever eat
Creative Works: This is my website (where you can find English summaries of my books) and this is my official Facebook page. You can also find me on Twitter (but less often).
Quote: Do to others exactly what you want them to do to you. (Do be do be dooo)

What would one find in the pages of your Paperblanks journal?
My thoughts, my ideas and my inspirations. You will also find the details of my appointments that I always note on paper because I can’t bring myself to use my smartphone for anything else than to phone or check the clock!

Do you have any personal philosophies you’ve come to develop about writing, art, creation or culture?
Creation is something extremely personal. You have to take enjoyment doing it before it can give delight to somebody else. There are no rules. Just focus on your art.

Do you have any specific themes you refer to frequently?
Everything I express, in my books or in my drawings, I try to express with humour. It’s a way of sending messages without offending anyone. But above all the laugh is a caress of the mind, a free present and a small happiness in our difficult lives.

How did you find Paperblanks?
I was searching for a new notebook. I wanted a nice looking one, not too classic, something a bit original. And then I found the one I’m using now. It’s exactly like the kind of items that I love: they seem old, with a magnificent vintage design, but they’re new! My model, the Grolier Ornamentali, looks like a very old book, filled with secrets… I appreciate its beautiful details. I also chose for my youngest daughter an Embellished Manuscript Chopin journal, because she studies piano. The Paperblanks books are gorgeous and very inspiring.

Do you have any advice for other creative people?
Create! Create all the time! The worlds needs beauty, tenderness, colour, passion, humour and feelings. Creative people, the world needs you!


  1. Dear Agnes,
    Thank you! I love this! Your humour, warmth, inspiration and encouragement.
    (What must I do (dobidobidoooo) to be able to try your lasagna?).

    Wishing you happiness!

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