As part of our 30th birthday celebrations, we’re sharing a peek behind the scenes and introducing some of the people who help bring our products to life. Check out the Paperblanks30 tag for more special anniversary content!
Tell Us a Bit About Yourself
First Name: Leandro
When you joined the Paperblanks team: July 2017 as a Customer Service Representative
Role at Paperblanks: Commercial Manager Americas
Journal you’re currently using: Evangeline Midi Lined for my work notes, both at home (office) or to bring into meetings
Passions (e.g., Books, Artists, Museums, Eras of History, Films, Music, Fashion, Style, Philosophers, non-profits, Technology, Politics, Culture, Places, People):
Spending time with the people I love, with my pets (always had cats and dogs around), listening to my playlists and finding out good new music that I didn’t know before, having a great meal in a cozy restaurant, enjoying a rainy day… the list goes on!
I wouldn’t call going to the gym (or exercising in general) a passion but is something really present in my life.
What is your favourite Paperblanks cover art or product of all time, and why?
In this case my choice kind of goes with the flow: Poetry in Bloom, one of our all-time bestsellers. The green background really allows all the flowers and colors to pop up. Not mentioning the different textures for each piece of the design. Simply amazing!
But my favourite product is the challenging, 1000-piece puzzle. I already put together the Madame Butterfly and now I have the Van Gogh’s Irises on the queue. Such an accomplished feeling when you’re done!

What makes you want to be a part of the Paperblanks team and help bring our products to the world?
Mostly because we have unique products in the market. There’s nothing out there remotely close to our designs. I do congratulate our entire team for making these products, by the way.
And now, having Hachette into the equation, it gives me even more confidence that all of us, as a company and a team, will achieve what we set out to do: bringing joy to the world through our beautiful, top-notch products.
What is one thing people might not know about Paperblanks the company?
That our covers aren’t simply a gorgeous design. There’s a rich story behind every little detail. From geometric patterns from the 14th century to a painting of the asylum garden, each cover represents how Paperblanks honors every little moment of mankind’s history.

Where do you hope to see Paperblanks go over the next 30 years?
I see Paperblanks becoming the world’s #1 stationery and accessory brand. Our products have always been revolutionary on the market, and we are always expanding our portfolio with stunning covers from all kinds of artists.
Thanks for sharing and being a part of the Paperblanks family, Leandro!
buenas tardes , les escribo desde Argentina . soy aficionada a los puzzles y mi hija me regalo un paperblanks ,para mi sorpresa cuando lo termino le falta una pieza ,lo hice en cuatro dias sobre una mesa y no salió de allí , es imposible que la haya perdido . necesito saber si la reponen , ya que es tan lindo que pensaba encuadrarlo. gracias por su atención y espero una respuesta . atte RAQUEL VIGLIANCO . Acacias 257 . Rufino Sta Fe . Argentina
Hola, gracias por avisarnos. Lamentamos saber que falta una pieza en su rompecabezas completo.
En caso de que falten piezas de su nuevo puzle, comuníquese con el minorista para obtener asesoramiento posventa sobre un reemplazo o cambio completo.