Inspiring Creativity

Unleash the creativity already inside you.

Sometimes at the Endpaper Blog we get the unique opportunity to offer a platform to creative journallers from around the world. Today, we welcome Julian Herzel, a self-declared “Poet of the Soul” and urban planner, to share some tips...
On a recent Beautiful Bookstores post, a reader suggested that we profile Akateeminen Kirjakauppa ("The Academic Bookstore") in Stockmann, Helsinki as a contender. And what a great recommendation that was! This bookstore is filled with upwards of 450,000 books in...
When our hearts are heavy, making art can inspire others, raise awareness or simply bring a respite. Art can create space and compassion; it can be a conductor for connection. As we continue to see the devastation happening in...
With this Friday's International Literacy Day coming up, the importance of reading and writing is brought into focus. While we may take for granted that we can look at our computer screens and read (or write) this post, access...
The doomed lovers, the creation epic, the underdog hero... these are all archetypal story arcs that show up in literature from every time period and corner of the globe. But if you think that the critiquing and analyzing of...
We’re over halfway through the annual Inktober drawing challenge, and with just over a week to go you might find your inspiration waning. Or, perhaps you're flying through and considering keeping up the habit! Either way, we hope these...
Many of you may be taking part in the annual NaNoWriMo writing challenge this month. But whether you’re participating this year or just looking for ways to improve your writing routine, we hope these tips will help you over...
One of our favourite cover series is our Embellished Manuscripts Collection. We love working with libraries and private collectors to find the original handwritten drafts behind some of the world's best-loved stories. But sometimes the mystery behind a manuscript just...
Name: Linda Shackelford Age: 31 City: Auckland Country: New Zealand Places: I’ve lived in the UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia but spent most time in the beautiful surroundings of my homeland, New Zealand. I’ve travelled extensively around Europe, to countries including the Netherlands,...