Our beautiful purple and gold Bijou design is a real gem in bookbinding history. Originally created in France, it was designed to hold the Pars Hiemalis section of the Parisian Breviarium.
Initially crafted from morocco leather with intricate filigree and golden pointillé, the binding reproduced here has been in the collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France since the Second Empire (1865–1870).

As the first cover in our Solstice Star series, Bijou reproduces what would have been the winter section – including the equinox (or solstice) part of advent – of a book containing the liturgical rites of the Catholic Church throughout the church year.

However, this binding was likely produced for a book collector, rather than having been used in service.

Our Bijou design is available as a grande, ultra, midi and mini hardcover journal and guest book.