Every human mind contains hidden rooms that house our ability to dream, imagine and embark on flights of fancy. These are the spaces where you can create freely in a shower of ideas. German artist Catrin Welz-Stein’s dreamlike digital art embodies such places and awakens them in delighted onlookers.

The two covers in our softcover Free Your Mind series reproduce iconic works Welz-Stein created between 2010 and 2013. Here you can see her influences from classic children’s literature as well as surrealism and folklore.
Welz-Stein uses old images and illustrations and combines them in fascinating collages, retouching, adding and removing elements to create something entirely new.

Original Art: Free Your Mind! by Catrin Welz-Stein
Your creative mind will be aflutter with inspiration and possibilities when paired with this dreamy journal cover. Butterflies burst and envelop the scene, signifying the eruption of new life to ideas and creativity in this Dreamscapes journal design.

Original Art: Words by Catrin Welz-Stein
Words take on new meaning in this beautiful Wordscapes journal design that is digital yet ethereal. Shower yourself with the possibilities of the words that could fill the pages of your journal – as well as the pages of your mind.
Which Free Your Mind cover has captured your imagination?