As great admirers of human ingenuity, we often look back and talk about what inspired a famous painting or work of art. But, as they say, hindsight is 20/20 and it’s easy to track the source of inspiration for a work that has already been completed. Learning what inspired an artist hundreds of years ago won’t necessarily help with your next project, so some real-life examples can also be helpful in overcoming “artist’s block.”
Everyone has their own working method – whether you like to wait for the muse to speak to you or are active in seeking out an idea, you likely have still found yourself in a bit of a rut when it comes to cultivating the drive to get down to work. To encourage you become a more successful artist, we’ve rounded up a variety of everyday sources of inspiration that can help you break through any self-imposed creative barriers you may find yourself up against.
1) Change Your Scenery
Mix up the experiential input you receive by heading to an unusual location for the day. The new types of sights, sounds and even smells are sure to kickstart your creativity.
2) Turn Off Your Brain
Please do not take this tip literally. Instead, try mindlessly listening to music or watching television, making sure to keep a pencil and notebook close by. Let yourself doodle freely and you may be surprised where your hand takes you!
3) Go Shopping
Treat yourself to a visit to your local art store and make a commitment to pick up a new medium to try out.
4) Write It Out
Remember why it is that you create art by writing out how you began and what your original sources of inspiration were. Getting in touch with your original intentions may just re-spark your imagination.
5) Get Out of Town
If changing the scenery close to home isn’t helping, try immersing yourself in a new culture or way of life for a while! You don’t have to go far, as even checking out a nearby community can introduce new local customs and flavours to your art.
About Paperblanks®: At Paperblanks®, we believe that art should have a place in all aspects of life. That’s why we follow the artist’s way in everything we do – creating, crafting and releasing designs we believe have the power to touch people. For more about Paperblanks®, go to our website at