Our Gold Inlay Collection, one of our newest releases, features covers that originate from a gold-covered solid-metal binding from 19th-century Germany. The collection is made up journals in our Ultra, Midi, and Mini formats, as well as in Guest Book and Mini Reporter form.
Find out more about the collection on our Gold Inlay products page here.
About the Gold Inlay Collection
Emulating historical styles was much in vogue during the 19th century. Patrons encouraged bookbinders to imitate the sensuousness of designs from the Renaissance and Romantic eras, and bindings were valued for their ornamental richness. As the level of luxury increased, book covers were frequently decorated with gold and adorned with silk, cloisonné enamels or precious stones. By looking to history for inspiration, bookbinders created extraordinary works of art.
Our Gold Inlay cover is a faithful recreation of a “Stil der Neorenaissance” design popular in 19th-century German binding. Stil der Neorenaissance remained au courant from 1875 until the First World War. Composed of solid metal, the original binding was first covered by a fine layer of gold, then meticulously engraved by skilled craftsmen.
Find & Buy Paperblanks
Interested in buying the Gold Inlay books or any other Paperblanks writing journals? Use our Store Finder to find retailers in your area or online retailers who can ship to your location. Find it by clicking here or by going to paperblanks.com/stores!

About Paperblanks®: We have been producing superb writing journals for twenty years. We are book people, and we believe that the written word matters and that our blank books have a critical role to play in the art and continued practice of writing itself. For more about Paperblanks®, go to our website at paperblanks.com.
I love your paper blanks.. I purchase them at Tuesday Morning stores in the US… Please email me on any new designs..
Hi Linda,
Thanks for the compliment! We are working on putting together a Customer Newsletter, so if you haven’t already signed up for that we definitely recommend doing so. Our Spring 2014 collection is coming soon, so make sure to check Paperblanks.com later this month for all the latest news!
All the best,
The Paperblanks® team
I live in Brasil, and I would like a paperblanks file, as a copybook
Dear Blog,
Along the same lines, Hey guys!
So, ive recently brought one of those paperblanks notebooks amd I wany to turn it into a medieval history/art journal because I cant just have it sitting there.
So I was wondering what sort of things to put in it. Any ideas
I want it to be on medieval history and I want it to look nice but I also want some writing in there. The only thing os I dont know what to base it on.
Thanks for your help! 🙂