Home Empowering Individuality

Empowering Individuality

Articles to inspire yourself-expression.

Writers like Quentin Tarantino and Neil Gaiman are known for being on at forefront of cutting-edge cinema and literature, but that doesn't necessarily mean they can't be a little bit old-fashioned, too. They are also writers who are vocal...
We've always loved to travel here at Paperblanks and our enthusiasm for visiting new places has been shown in our #PaperblanksTraveller series. From our first post in October 2012 through the end of 2015, this series spotlighted snapshots of...
If there is one thing we consistently hear, it is that our journals are pretty darn beautiful. Unfortunately, this compliment is often followed up with a note about how the books are so gorgeous that they are intimidating to...
On April 22 we celebrate Earth Day. It is a good reminder to be kind to our planet, to cherish it and to do our part to minimize our impact on it, not only today but every day. It...
We are pleased to be able to bring back Following Lisa (who we recently interviewed) for today's Writing Wednesday. If you missed our interview with Lisa, you can read it here. And be sure to check out her blog...
  With the rise of bullet journalling, combining personal writing with creative visuals has become an extremely popular form of keeping a diary. There are so many inspiring Instagrammers showing off their latest notebooks that it can feel intimidating to...
Sometimes a really amazing, unique and conceptual idea for a project will just come to you. Other times, however, you may be left waiting for inspiration to strike or trying in vain to hear what the muse is saying...
Our Peek Inside… series takes a look inside peoples’ personal journals to celebrate their creativity and inspire others. This month we asked to take a look inside the journals of multi-talented singer/writer/artist Sally Hurst. Read on for photos and explanations...
With school and work moving online, gatherings cancelled and pretty much every appointment put on hold, many people have jokingly expressed their disappointment at having bought a 2020 planner. While for many it might seem like a cruel irony,...
Criticism, whether it's constructive or disparaging, can hurt. Unfortunately a harsh reality of being an author, especially an aspiring-to-be-published one, is that you are going to receive more than your fair share of it. We can offer all the encouraging...