What would one find in the pages of your Paperblanks journal?
Most of my Paperblanks are used for book ideas, characterization, information and research. I also have one for short stories, artwork ideas, my bucket list and another as a scrapbook.

Do you have any personal philosophies you’ve come to develop about writing, art, creation or culture?
The one thing that I stand by more than anything else is to do what you love, even if you are not the best at it. Often I’ll start a story and will hate it, but as long as continue to keep writing I believe that I will always improve.

Do you have any specific themes that you continually address in your work?
The majority of my writing is fantasy based, which means I’m not limited on what to write about. However, it also means I have to work a lot harder in creating entirely new worlds and laws. My stories, young adult stories, generally follow the theme of identity and true self.

No matter what type of creative art you make, what or who first inspired you to make it an essential part of your life?
My granddad was the person who encouraged me to read from a young age, for we both enjoyed the same books and authors. My entire family encouraged me when I told them I wanted to be a writer and they still do.

How did you find Paperblanks?
I found Paperblanks in my local bookstore, I was just looking for a small notebook to carry around in my bag, and I fell in love with the designs.

What sets Paperblanks apart from other journals you’ve used?
The Paperblanks are artworks in and of themselves.  I love the high quality of the paper and the incredible designs.

Do you have a favorite Paperblanks design?
It’s hard to choose just one! I absolutely love the Grolier Ornamentali, as it looks so magical, the Baroque Ventaglio Rosso (the only Paperblank I have yet to write in, it’s just too gorgeous), and Edgar Allen Poe, Tamerlane, my very first Paperblanks.

Do you have any advice for other creative people?
In relation to other people aspiring to be writers, the best piece of advice I was ever given was by Romantic novelist Anne Gracie, who told me. “Don’t write what you know. Write what you want to know.”


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